Professional Qualification and Occupational Standards

Criteria for consideration
The Royal Decree of Establishment of Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (Public Organization) (No.2) B.E. 2562 has set the objective of TPQI under Article 7 (Section 6) to promote, support, and cooperate with educational institutions, training providers or institutes, establishments, and other organizations including the public and private sectors both domestic and international to promote the use of professional qualification system and to arrange the training program according to the occupational standard. The Royal Decree also dictate the timeframe of rules, regulations,
announcement or commandment of Thailand Professional Qualification Institute to still be enforceable until further amendment and not exceed more than one year from the effective date of The Royal Decree (30th May, B.E. 2563)
According to The Royal Decree,
the training program has the following objectives;
To prepare trainees for competency-based assessment according to occupational standards and competency standards.
To develop the curriculum which is responsive to occupational standards and competency standards
To enhance the potential of candidates who has passed the assessment for further self-development and to develop the capability of the unsuccessful candidates to pass the assessment according to occupational standard or competency standard.