Professional Qualification and Occupational Standards

The importance of the professional qualification system
           In the changing world of work which requires not only knowledge, but also skills and expertise resulting from learning at work and practice all professionals, both with educational qualifications and without in a particular field, have the potential to develop the ability to work in various fields. The capability to adapt one’s knowledge, skills and abilities to a particular occupation is known as “competency”. Each professional sector will comprise of different sub-sectors and occupations respectively and each occupation will contain different units of competency. For instance, the hotel and accommodation sector which comprises reception sub-sector will contain many occupations such as reception manager, receptionist, telephone operator, and porter whose different units of competency will vary depending on the required knowledge. skills, and desirable characteristics of each occupation.

           In recognition of the importance of human capital and the necessity to enhance and develop human resources with skills and competencies in accordance with the real needs of the industry, Thailand Professional Qualification Institute, the leading agency for the development of the professional qualification system which is an important mechanism in enhancing career development and productivity of the workforce, has cooperated with industry groups and stakeholders in developing occupational standards which determine the level of competence of a person in a profession. In addition, occupation standards are established to measure performance in order to certify “Professional qualification,” which means certifying a person’s knowledge, skills, and competence according to a particular occupational standard. It is needless to say that professional qualification will directly benefit the majority of people who do not have a higher education qualification, but have experience and expertise in the profession.
Professional Qualification System
           Professional Qualification System was developed with the main objectives to certify the “Performance” of professionals or workforce according to occupational standards to meet the needs of business and industry. In other words, Professional Qualification System is a certification process which enable individuals to be recognized for their knowledge, skills, and abilities and to obtain professional qualification which correspond to their knowledge, experience, and competence, and use it for career advancement in the future as it can be referenced and linked with other qualifications systems of the country.
Components of Professional Qualification System
  • 1
    Professional Qualification Framework
  • 2
    Occupation Classification
  • 3
    Occupational Standards
    • Establishment of Occupational Standards
    • Review and development of occupational standards
  • 4
    Certification Bodies
  • 5
    Professional Qualifications Quality Assurance Process
    Accreditation of Certification Body
    Accreditation process
    • Renewal process
    Standards for Certification Body
    • Applying for Certification
    • Guidelines and Rules for accredited certification body
    Competency Assessment Standards
    • Procedures for competency assessment
    • Application Procedures for becoming an assessor
  • 6
    Linkage between Professional Qualifications Framework and National Qualifications Framework
  • 7
    Database and information system for professional qualifications
Professional Qualification Framework: 8 levels
Level 8 : People who have the capability to create new knowledge or innovation, have been accepted at the national level or higher.
Level 7 : People who have the capability in management and planning and ability to solve problems with complex and unpredictable contexts.
Level 6 : People who have the capability in management and planning and ability to solve problems with complex and changing contexts.
Level 5 : People who have the technical capability and management skill and the ability to solve problems in the contexts with common changes.
Level 4 : People who have the technical capability with general coverage of a field.
Level 3 : People who have the technical capability in adapting principles.
Level 2 : People who have the capability in job performance skills.
Level 1 : people who have the capability in performing basic routine tasks.
Professional Qualification Framework
           Professional Qualification Framework (PQF) is an 8-level, learning outcomes-based framework for all types of qualifications which serves as a basis for determining the level of professional qualifications in accordance with the competency level based on occupational standards. Each PQF level illustrates the criterion of knowledge. skills, desirable characteristics, learning outcomes, and responsibilities gained from work performance regardless of profession.
           An entry-level professional qualification framework may emphasize the ability to perform tasks in accordance with operational criteria, but at a high level of qualifications emphasize the ability in the creation of new knowledge, practice, and innovation.
           PQF was introduced as a key mechanism to raise the level of professional qualification and the development of national workforce to be able to compete effectively in ASEAN and at the international level. PQF is used as the instrument for assessing and certifying the competencies of individuals according to occupational standards which meet the needs of business and industry. In addition, it is aim to be a mechanism for linking with educational qualifications systems at both national and international.
           PQF consists of descriptor of the desirable characteristics of the occupation that are used to classify competency, scope of work, learning outcomes, and desired output according to the level of difficulty, complexity, and extent of responsibility which is used as a tool for leveling up career development of an individual from basic to advance level based on qualification according to professional competence, known as professional qualification.